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    Main » 2012 » Νοέμβριος » 17 » Βαριά ήττα για Άρη στο «Κλ. Βικελίδης»
    7:46 PM
    Βαριά ήττα για Άρη στο «Κλ. Βικελίδης»
    Βαριά ήττα για Άρη στο «Κλ. Βικελίδης» Ήττα σοκ από τον ΠΑΣ Γιάννινα στο «Κλεάνθης Βικελίδης» με 2-1 γνώρισε ο Άρης.
    Category: Αθλητικά νέα | Views: 249 | Added by: Lost-Empire | Rating: 0.0/0
    Total comments: 1
    1 genfavicon.com  
    By WebOsPublisher

    Are you in need for the convenient icon maker? Search no more! Sib Icon Studio 3.0 does everything you need of an icon editor,and is one of the first to support making of the modern Windows Vista styled icons of 256x256 size.
    Create and Edit Application Icons and Cursors
    Make and Edit Software Icons and Cursors
    Are you in need for the perfect icon maker? Search no more! Sib Icon Studio 3.0 does all you need of an icon maker, and is the first to allow creating of the modern Windows Vista compatible icons of 256x256 pixels.
    When releasing a new software product, each application programmer gets a dilemma on whether to order a custom or stock set of icons, or to craft the required images himself. Aside of the decision, a good software for editing the icons is necessary.
    No set of stock graphics can fit perfectly into any but a very simple project, so ability to alter these icons is important. Sib Icon Studio allows you to customize ready-made icons in no time! Quite often, the only thing that is necessary to make an icon fit another aim is a different color, a mirror flip or a simple turn of a given icon. You don't have to be an artist or a graphic designer in order to add or remove an element, adjust color, saturation or drop a shadow. You don't even need a specific icon to begin with, as Sib Icon Studio can work with any ico, png, gif, bmp, tga, xpm, cur, xbm, or wbmp file, and even directly access icons in .dll and executable files.
    It might seem that ordered icons are exactly what you want, but that's only the initial impression. When your projects grows, you'll require more graphics. Probably, you'll desire to make additions of your purchased pack. Can you order them from the designer who created them? Sure, that's the obvious choice. But are you prepared to face the related delays and expenses? You don't need to! Make changes to icons, edit or craft new icons with Sib Icon Studio in an easy and handy way.
    Sib Icon Studio allows you to simply create and modify icons in all common and custom resolutions, including the latest Windows Vista size of 256x256 pixels. Apply color depths of 16 or 256 colors, or create 32-bit True Color icons with semi-transparency and shades. Create gradient and plaid fills with a single click; use visual effects and layers for enhancing your graphics; navigate between worksheets in a tabbed interface, import or export icons to different graphic formats using Sib Icon Studio!
    Sib Icon Studio is not limited to just icons. Make and modify static or animated cursors, toolbar images and image lists for your programs just as simply as you would make or modify an icon!
    Sib Icon Studio makes it simple to handle and navigate icon libraries and collections of icons, cursors and graphics. With its integrated search features, you'll be able to locate icons on your computer in just moments, or load icons from the Internet. Sib Icon Studio makes it easy to begin your library as it comes with an included set of royalty-free icons. Expand your library by extracting icons, cursors and graphics from Windows .exe, .dll libraries and resource files, and adding them to your icon collection.
    Download a trial version of Sib Icon Studio for free at: sibcode.com/icon-studio/
    Home | Download | Order | Ready Icons | Support
    Copyright © 2006-2012 Aha-Soft. All rights reserved.
    Perfect Toolbar Icons is a set of ready-made icons for use in commercial and private applications and websites. The icons have a balanced color palette, sleek and well-rounded borders. A variety of formats and sizes is provided.
    More info
    Enhance your financial or business-oriented application with instantly available professional Business Toolbar Icons. Over two hundred of professionally designed and carefully created icons picturing different financial objects and symbols are provided.
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    IconLover is our pick. It allows you to create and edit all kinds of graphics required in the application development cycle, containing icons, simple and moving cursors and interface parts - all these types of graphics can now be designed in a single program.
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    Icon Processor is an icon converter. It makes icons from your pictures. It's possible to turn 256-color images into True Color icons and XP icons.
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    ICL-Icon Extractor will search your files, archives, folders and all local disks for icons. It can download icons from the Internet and customize Windows icons.
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    Perfect Icon creates icon from any graphic file (PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, WMF and more) in few seconds. Create great icons for Windows XP. Easily replace, colorize and save icons that Windows uses to show standard objects, folders, files.
    More info

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